Friday morning I brought the pipe insulation and my finished fox maquette in to Uni.
Alex and Tom took their finished maquettes to ceramics where they'd be casting them up ready for the foam latex.
While they were doing that May and I started work on the trees. We took the pipe insulation and cut them into lengths workable for our set. Then using modrock we built up several layers and using small strips added the bark detail.
Between us we've now got about 10 trees, 2 of which are finished, but overall we're going to need about 25, so not quite half way.
I went to start the casting of my fox maquette late in the afternoon but there wasn't enough clay so I'll have to buy another bag on Tuesday so I can get the casting done over 2 days next week (Tuesday/Wednesday).
Adrain Tooth also finished drawing up and finalising our storyboard ready for May to turn into our animatic.
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