Sunday 3 April 2011

250311 - The Sets pt 2 and The Money Tree pt2

Today was yet more work on the sets.

I started work on making the money tree slightly higher and gave it roots so it could free stand and look more tree like.

May has finished up the forest floor, adding more colours and detail to it and working in some brown leaves and straw to give it more texture and more forest like, look.

Alex also added in the path which is made from PVA, sand and paint. This should be thin enough so the magnets can work through it, but also strong enough not to move underfoot, making the walkcycle clean and simple.

Tom and Me also carried on with the interior set.

Here you can see the fantastic sofa he hand built, along with his bean bag and also several props build by Alex.

Tom has also cut out the door and the window.

To make the rear wall stand up I made some slot in feet. This would allot it to be easily drilled into the base and also give strong points where the side walls can be fixed too.

Here this foot was cut down in such a way to accomodate the door opening and closing. 

Tom also filled in all the screw holes in the stairs and gave them their first coat of paint.

Just though the door you can also see the breeze block shelving that Alex made.

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