Saturday 5 February 2011

Week One - The Fox Amature - Part Two

With the armature in pieces I then set about adjusting the proportion of the limbs to be Fox like, rather than Cat like as there are some very big differences in how the legs move and the position of the joints and length of the bone.

I also gave the armature wider shoulders and hips, as I had an issue with the Cat, although the body was the right size, it just wasn't wide enough and it didn't look right when it was moving. Also with a Fox being a chunkier, larger animal these changes would've been necessary.

The old and the new, hip and shoulder joints.

The new shoulders and hips in place.

After much tweaking of the lengths of the threaded bar the armature was finally complete, I could now move onto to designing and making a maquette of the fox, in which the armature would fit.

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